Wednesday, April 06, 2005

RIP Boiler (2005-2005)

Somewhere between 7am and 8am on the 6th of April it is believed that the boiler belonging to one Stuart Kerrigan's residence passed away peacefully in its sleep. Acquaintances knew Stuart's boiler well for its famous motorbike impression and for the warm reception it occasionally offered. Sources say the boiler enjoyed a long and happy life, functioning for nearly an entire 2 days with only minor noise pollution. Replacement boiler parts are said to be being elected, but it is not expected these will be ready in a timely fashion. On this matter Stuart held a press statement at 9am saying, "Brrr..." and "Fix my boiler" to the letting agency.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alas, poor boiler. I knew it, Horatio....