Friday, August 05, 2005

Return of the Cool Friday Links

Yesterday we went hunting for decorative items for our office and the two of us who could actually be bothered actually doing something to make the office look nice came back with several paintings. Given the recent redecoration I snapped some pictures. Here they are:-

A random piece of modern art

Andy, and our up-lighter

The Van Gogh Wing/Andy's Desk

A student's view of the room.

My piece of art

The amazing Ben (see below for opinions). I sent these pics out across the Departmental mailing list (since it's rare any of the academic staff visit us and at least one important member of staff isn't entirely sure where the office is) and within minutes Ben was suddenly tidying up his office. He's even asked me to replace this picture with one of a tidy desk. Very telling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen the famous 'Ben Desk'.. it is one of Leicester's top tourist attractions.

Other fabulous pictures have been emailed to Stu's buzznet place... stand by...